Frequently Asked Questions
Problems creating your account?
If you are a new subscriber, please follow these instructions to log on:
- Click on the "Shop/Subscribe” drop down menu and choose the magazine that you would like to subscribe to.
- Choose which edition you would like to purchase. Whether its online only or online and print, choose which ever format best suites your wants and needs.
- You will be taken to a login screen. Please create a login username and password. Fill out the form, which includes billing and shipping information as well as a unique password.
- If you have already completed the profile form you will be able to log in with your email address and password by clicking on our login icon at the top of our homepage.
Q: What retail outlets can I purchase copies of your magazines from?
A: We are primarily a subscription based publishing company. We don’t provide any newsstand services, but you can swing by our office any time Monday to Friday 8:00 – 4:30 and purchase individual copies of our magazines.
Q: I have a great story pitch. How do I get my idea in one of your magazines?
A: We are always on the lookout for new and exciting industry related stories about the people and happening that help shape our business. Get in touch with our editor at: and we would love to speak with you more about your great ideas.
Q: Do you publish photos submitted by readers and industry professionals? If so, how do I get my photo’s in your magazines?
A: We love running photo’s from our readers. Whether you have some great shots from an industry event, hockey tournament, curling bonspeil or bbq. We love them all. Go to our homepage and click on the photo upload icon to upload.